Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act was passed on 19 October 2007 and came into effect on 5 January 2009. The existence of this Law gives the public a right of access to all types of records held by public authorities in the Cayman Islands; however, it also stipulates some exemptions from that right. The objectives of the law are to promote accountability, transparency and public participation throughout Government.

As a public authority, the Cayman Islands National Attractions Authority is committed to openness, transparency and serving the public interest in compliance with the Freedom of Information Law, 2007.

The Cayman Islands National Attractions Authority is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities under the legislation, and will regularly be posting key information in this section. For further information relating to Freedom of Information at the CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY or to request information, please contact:

Information Manager: Mrs. Candace Ransome-Grant

Pedro St. James Castle
Pedro Castle Road, Savannah
Grand Cayman

PO Box 305
Grand Cayman KY1-1501
Cayman Islands
Telephone: (345) 949-6999
Fax: (345) 949-6668
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Freedom Of Information Website: and
Freedom Of Information Email:

How to make an FOI request

Complete a Freedom of Information Request Form. Click here to download form.


Classes of information

A Class of Information is a way of collecting together similar types of information. The CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY has grouped its Classes of Information into broad categories (or functions) which reflect the Authority’s outputs. If you are intending to make a request, the following grouping of information should give you an indication of where the information may be found.

Function – Finance & Administration:
This Class applies to the financial and administrational records held by the CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY.

Function – Operational Support and Advice:
This Class applies to the provision of services and support to customers and stakeholders. These are focused on the output-driven activities of the CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY.

For Complaints against the CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY please see the Complaints Process informational page.


Disclosure Log

The disclosure log is updated regularly and provides details of FOI requests that we feel may have a wider public interest. Please note that the disclosure log does not list everything that has been released under FOI. Some responses consist of large number of documents that are not held in electronic format. Where practical, the documents concerned have been scanned and made available online via our website. In addition to a summary of the original request, the log indicates whether or not the information was released and what exemptions, if any, were applied.

Where the actual reply has been reproduced, the applicant's name and other personal details will be deleted.


Making a request

We are 100% committed to helping you locate the information you are looking for. The CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY staff has been briefed on offering the best possible support when trying to obtain information from our authority.

If you wish to make a request for information, please contact the Information Manager listed above or in his absence, the Information Manager Designate. Requests may also be made through our Government assigned email address or the FOI email address of the CAYMAN ISLANDS NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AUTHORITY,

Requests must be in writing (letter, email or facsimile) and must include your name and an address (either postal or e-mail). Please be as specific as possible about the information you would like, as this will help us to respond promptly. Where possible, please include a contact telephone number so we can call to discuss your request if necessary.

We will respond to your request immediately. The Law requires public authorities to respond within 30 calendar days, allowing an extension of an additional 30 calendar days if needed. We are obligated by law to always acknowledge receipt of all FOI requests made to the Information Manager and we are also obligated to let you know if there is a need to extend the deadline. For detailed advice on what sorts of information is exempt please see the FOI Unit website.

Request for Information Fees

No application fee is required by Law and there is no charge for visiting a public authority to view records requested under FOI. However, a fee may be associated with the provision of duplicating materials. Details regarding costs and payment are listed in the FOI Regulations which is posted on the FOI Unit website.


right of https

Internal Review

If you make a request under the Freedom of Information Law and are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled to an internal review. If you believe you are entitled to an internal review, please put your https in writing and either e-mail or post it to the Information Manager. Include your name, address, telephone number and the reference number at the top of our letter or e-mail to you. You have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a refusal to request an internal review. Please explain why you would like us to review our original response.

Under section 33 of the FOI Law, you may ask for an Internal Review of a response to your request:

- If you were refused access;
- If you were granted partial access to the record(s) specified in your application;
- If your request was deferred;
- If there was a refusal to amend or annotate an official document containing personal information; or
- If a fee was charged for action taken* or if you disagree with the amount of the fee charged;

*where the decision was taken by a person other than the responsible Minister, Chief Officer or Principal Officer of the public authority

https to the Information Commissioner

If you are dissatisfied with the internal review of our decision, or an internal review was not available, you can seek an https from the Information Commissioner.

Document Library

CINAA Employment Form

Application for Employment (PDF)

Vendor Application Forms

Cayman Craft Market Vendor Application Form (PDF)

Internal Complaints Procedure Forms

Complaints Policy & Procedures (PDF)
Policy Document (PDF)
Complaints Report Form (PDF)

COVID-19 Protocol

Pandemic (CoOPs) Continuation of Operations Plan_2021

The Act states that Information to be published by public authorities includes:

- the functions of the authority, what work it does and how it sets about its tasks
- the global network of offices, with the locations and opening hours of all offices
- the key management personnel within the authority
- the Classes of Information